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End of Year
Flash Sale

This Sale has Expired

Discounted Unlimited Membership - First Month $45

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These rates will not be available again after December 31st, so take advantage of them while you can!


Unlimited classes at both studios

1 guest pass each month

10% savings on special offers

Special Member Event monthly included

30 days' cancellation notice required, three month minimum

5 Class Pack

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90 Days Expiration after Purchase Date

Applicable for regular classes at both studios

Limit 1 per client, quantities limited

Prepaid Yearly Membership

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365 Days Expiration after Purchase Date

Applicable for regular classes at both studios

Quantities Limited

$820 (up to $248 savings)

3 Month Membership
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3 Month Expiration After First Use

Applicable for regular classes at both studios


(All payments made will include a small service fee.)


*Please be able to provide proof such as a military ID, school badge, student ID etc. if you are choosing the discounted pricing options. First responders are categorized as law enforcement officers, paramedics, EMTs, and firefighters.

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